lambrechts bouers bk

Located in the beautiful town of Piketberg in the Western Cape, we are a family run construction company with a proud history spanning back to when 1948 when our founder established Lambrechts Bouers Bk. We operate within a 100 km radius from Piketberg.

Contact Us Today

Office:  (022)9131075
Cell: 0765393468
Located in Piketberg, Western Cape


We never compromise on quality. From establishing the building site to putting on the finishing touches, we never let our standards drop


From beautiful homes to industrial factories, we can build anything our clients require. And we have the track record to prove it


Is the outcome of what we do. Our unwavering belief in the quality of our work, coupled with our years of experience of our team, ensure we deliver every time

About Us

Three Generations of Builders

Lambrechts Bouers is a family business that was established in 1948 by Koos Lambrechts.  Heinie Lambrechts is the son of Koos and he was the next owner and Johan Lambrechts is the son of Heinie and he is now the third generation owner of Lambrechts Bouers. For three generations we have been building quality homes and structures in the Piketberg region.

We take extreme pride in the outstanding quality of our work.  Our motto is QUALITY BUILDS SUCCESS!!  We are a team and we give God the glory for our success.

Lambrechts bouers

why use lambrechts bouers

Collage of houses

Quality Builds Success

Our motto is QUALITY BUILDS SUCCESS and we live by this. Every member of our team have a passion for their work and continuously strive to be the best they can be.

We pride ourselves in the neatness of our building sites and there is always a supervisor present wherever we operate. Our quality does not only reflect in the outcome of our projects, but in every step of our process.

Our Services

We construct new buildings, renovate existing ones, do add ons, maintenance and painting and even perform very specialised construction tasks. We take on all kinds of projects, no matter the size or complexity. Get in touch with us for a detailed quotation today.

We build from scratch:

  • Residential Homes
  • Farm Pack Houses & Barns
  • Schools
  • Factories
  • Boundary Walls

We take on any new build project


We simply love to make buildings look better and create a new lease of life for old homes:

  • Painting
  • Restoration of Old Buildings
  • Extensions to Existing Houses

We love to make the old look brand new, or get the best out of an old building


We pride ourselves in our ability to perform a wide variety of specialised contruction projects, including:

  • Rib & Block Decking
  • Insitu Decking
  • Swimming Pools
  • Retain Walls / Terraforce
  • Storm Water Pipes
  • Sewerage Lines
  • Concrete Slabs & Structures

No project is too complex or specialised for us

Our Portfolio

Here are just a few examples of the work we do

Video Portfolio

Click on play below for a birdseye view of some of our work

Contact US

13 + 7 =


“Lambrechts Bouers werk reeds vanaf 2012 by Wilgerbosdrift. Verskeie projekte is reeds afgehandel. Nuwe stalle is gebou, restorasie werk gedoen en tans doen hulle opgradering van alle huise op die plaas. Heinie Lambrechts en sy span lewer werk van baie hoë gehalte. Daar is net reg of verkeerd. Sy kennis en toegewydheid teenoor detail het hy aan sy seun Johan oorgedra.

Eerlikheid en span werk is deurentyd toegepas. Ons hoop om nog baie jare saam te werk en ek kan Lambrechts Bouers aanbeveel as die no.1 bouers in die Piketberg area.

Wynand Nel

Bestuurder, Wilgerbosdrift Plaas

We typically operate within a 100km radius from Piketberg. If you are further away, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to discuss your project with you. We are always open to new and exciting projects. Contact us today!

Quality | Builds | Success